You've been invited to play the role of NED SADLER in Murder at the Manor (2024). You’re invited to Heathcliff Manor, where Lord Heathcliff is hosting a dinner party to celebrate his recent marriage. But before anyone can toast his happiness, Lord Heathcliff is killed with the candlestick in the pool room. Host your own party to find out who snuffed out his candle!

Your costume suggestion

You wear dark-grey trousers with a white shirt, open at the collar and rolled at the sleeves. Add to this a grey waistcoat, unbuttoned of course, a black cap, and a thin, loosely tied scarf around your neck. It gets chilly in the stables!

About you...

I’m Ned, the stable boy. I think it was probably those aliens that dunnit. I’m sure I heard a UFO overhead a little while ago. How do you drown in a swimming pool and float at the same time? Life is a wonder. I should have saved him, but I was here, brushing the horses. They don’t like it when their hair’s all tangles.