Your costume suggestion
First Mate (his bright pirate clothes make people wish he’d stayed in the closet!) Costume suggestion : If the colours clash horribly, you‟ll wear it! Your pink shirt and yellow knee length britches are carefully divided by an electric blue sash. Spoilt for choice, you prefer a bandana that sports all the colours of the rainbow. No sword for you (they‟re too pointy) but you do carry a telescope for spotting faraway lands, and stroking!
About you...
Use this information to introduce yourself to your fellow guests.
I originally hail from China but I joined the crew of the Dirty Monkey when my junk sunk. As First Mate, it’s my job to make sure all of the other “dirty monkeys” follow the Captain’s orders! I pride myself on keeping everything shipshape – that is, until the Dirty Monkey sunk as well. Since the shipwreck, I’ve made myself useful decorating the island.