You've been invited to play the role of IZZY GONYETT in Murder on the SS Titanium. The SS Titanium has launched from New York on its maiden voyage and the specially invited passengers prepare to celebrate. But, before the first cork can be popped, disaster strikes. Captain E Slost is found overboard, floating on an iceberg with a bullet in his chest! You are invited to join us to help solve the mystery of the “Murder on the SS Titanium”

Your costume suggestion

Wealthy widow (the weaker the pulse the more she’ll convulse!) Costume Suggestion: You are the picture of elegance in your flowing peach crepe dress, decorated with a single pearlencrusted brooch. On the chain around your neck hangs a locket containing a photograph of your dear husband Xavier, who is never far from your heart. You are rarely seen without a cocktail glass in one hand.

About you...

Use this information to introduce yourself to your fellow guests.

My name is Izzy Gonyett and until two months ago I lived with my dear husband, Xavier, God bless his soul. After dear Xavier moved on, I struggled to find purpose in my life and finally decided that a luxury cruise was just the ticket. Meeting all you wonderful people has certainly helped me forget the past and I am grateful at least that my husband was rich and left me with enough money to survive.