You've been invited to play the role of GEE I. JOE in Murder at the Cafe Resistance. It’s the end of the Second World War and the celebrations have begun. Herr Bevore is throwing a party at his favourite place - the Café Résistance - and everyone is invited, even his victors. But just before the party begins he is bumped off by an explosive Roquewurst sausage that has been left in his bedroom. You are invited to join us to help solve the mystery of the “Murder at the Café Résistance”

Your costume suggestion

GEE I. JOE - US Serviceman (he turned up just in time…for dessert!) - Costume : Khaki trousers, shirt and combat boots show that you’re always ready for action. Your camouflage make-up worked better on the front-line than in the café, but if anyone wants a fight about it you could always show them your weapon!

About you...

Use this information to introduce yourself to your fellow guests.

You’re an American soldier just back from winning the war! You recently saved the lives of hundreds of people by defusing a bomb on the front-line and now you're being hailed as a hero. After your temporary stop-over at the Cafe Resistance you're going home to the good ole' US of A to receive a medal from the Whitehouse!